Foreign Language and Encouraging them to Love Another Language Part 2

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 Take your children to educational amusement parks. Instead of taking them to the department store, why not take them to a museum, a science center, or a zoo for a change? Traveling abroad with your children is the best option if you have enough money.

Let your child use your computer. Computers never fail to amaze people, especially young children. Buy educational software and let your child use the software every day.
Remind them that they have to get good grades if they want to get a job. Don't shelter them from everything. Explain to them that some people need to go to the soup kitchen to eat and that they are lucky to have a roof over their head.

Tell them that they are lucky to get an education and that you will help them succeed in life. You could incorporate mathematics to daily tasks and situations.  Incorporate counting, reading, and writing to daily chores. For example, you take them to the market and make them buy certain items such a fruit. Have them recite the name of the fruit in a foreign language. They'll love it!